Luke Chapter 20 (Part 2)
Jesus and the Sadducees
Read Luke 20:27-47
Verse 27 - Who were the Sadducees? Another sect (like the Pharisees), who were also part of the Jewish leadership class (Sanhedrin)
Verse 33 - in the resurrection - this was another attempt at trying to trap Jesus in His words (they did not believe in the resurrection)
Verse 35 - those who are considered worthy-how can you be considered worthy? Accept Jesus &
the New Covenant
would the Sadducees have been worthy?
they do not believe in the resurrection - Read I Cor. 15: 12-17
belief in the resurrection is fundamental to the Christian faith
they would have needed to change their mind on the resurrection - within a week of these events, Jesus own resurrection would have been a witness to them-perhaps some came to be considered worthy
Verse 36 - angels do not die - we will be like them, in that respect. But angels are angels and mankind is mankind. The idea that we become angels when we die is false.
Read I Peter 1:12 (speaking of the prophets)
angels long to look into the redemption of mankind - they were not created with the need for redemption. We were created with free will - without free will, you cannot truly love. God wanted us, his family, to love Him freely and truly. That requires a choice on our part. The angels are God's servants - often tasked with helping us, His children.
sons of God - Read Gal. 3:26
Verse 37 -Jesus is showing the Sadducees the error of their belief system (no resurrection)
Verse 41 - Jesus asks them a question they cannot answer without getting "stuck" (see v.3)
David's Son-Remember in chapter 18, how the blind man called Jesus Son of David - a Messianic term.
if there is no resurrection, how can David live to know the Christ?
Verse 42-from Psalm 110
sit ... until- Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father (see Apostles Creed) until He comes again
Verses 46-47 -Jesus warns all the people against the scribes (verse 45 tells us that all were
He does this in the presence and hearing of those scribes, and no doubt the other Jewish leaders
these will receive greater condemnation - remember, there are different levels of punishment
they did things for outward appearance, but were hypocrites