Luke Chapter 4
Reactions to Jesus
Read Luke 4:31-44
This passage is preceded by the account of how Jesus was rejected in His hometown of Nazareth. In contrast, these verses describe how Jesus was accepted in Capernaum.
The reaction of the people of Capernaum
The people were amazed at His teacing*
His message was with authority (verse 32)
He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power (verse 36)
*This is not the first time that people were amazed by Jesus. Luke chapter 2 tells us that when Jesus was 12 years old, He was in the temple—and the teachers were amazed at His understanding of the Scriptures.
The people spread the news about Jesus to their neighboring towns (verse 37).
The people searched for Jesus and did not want Him to leave Capernaum (verse 42).
Although the people recognized that Jesus was very special, they did not yet proclaim Him to be the Christ. However, the demons already knew who Jesus was—see verses 34 & 41.
The reaction of the demons
The demons feared Him—they cried out with a loud voice, saying "leave us alone!"
They knew He could destroy them.
They had to obey His command to leave a possessed person.
Jesus taught with authority and demonstrated His power through healing and deliverance. Remember, signs authenticate the Word. As we will continue to see in the Gospel of Luke, both Jesus' words and works proved to the world that He is the Son of God. Think on these things as you read the stories of Jesus, and let yourself be amazed as were those first witnesses of Jesus in Capernaum.