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Galatians was written in the context of the events described in Acts 13 and 14 - Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey, where he traveled to the region of Galatia

Read Acts 13

- Notice how Paul first went into the synagogues to teach, just like Jesus did (v.14)

- Paul would recount the history of Israel to remind them of how the (OT) Scriptures prophesied about the coming Savior, descended from David, and how Jesus fulfilled these prophecies - and how the Jewish nation fulfilled these prophecies by condemning Jesus to death.   Paul taught them that God raised Jesus from the dead, that there were many witnesses, and these witnesses are now spreading the Good News, that through Jesus, forgiveness of sins is offered to all who believe.  The New Covenant of grace (through Jesus) has replaced the Old Covenant of the Law. (v.21-39)

- Notice how some of the Jews were jealous -  just like they were with Jesus.(v.45)

- Paul was appointed to be the one to go to the Gentiles (v. 46-47)

Read Acts 14

- Notice how the Jews started to “stir up the minds” of the Gentiles, too, now. (v.2)

- Notice how the people who were against the apostles went to their rulers, to stone them, just like how the Pharisees went to the Romans to have Jesus put to death. (v.5)

- Notice how the Word was confirmed through signs and wonders, through Paul (and the other apostles), just like it had with Jesus (v. 3, 8-10)

- Notice how Paul had to teach the Gentiles differently than he did the Jews.  (v.16-17).  But the Jews followed them and “won over the crowds” and had Paul stoned. (v.19)

- Paul was stoned in Lystra, they thought he was dead.  Just think of what it was like when he returned to that city! (v.21)

The council at Jerusalem - Read Acts 15:1-2, 5-6, 19-20

Paul’s letter to the Galatians was likely written after the meeting described in Acts 15.  Despite the apostolic decision of this Council at Jerusalem, the Judaizers continued to teach that the Gentile believers needed to keep many of the Old Covenant rituals, such as circumcision.  Paul wrote to the Galatians because he wanted to correct their error of “deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel.” (Galatians 1:6)

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