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Chapter One

For each chapter of Galatians, we will consider the following questions:

What do we learn about Paul?

What do we learn about the Galatians?

What do we learn from key words?

What do we learn about Jesus?

We encourage you to study the book of Galatians along with us, with this approach.  The following is the list we composed about the apostle Paul, from Galatians Chapter 1.

What do we learn about Paul?

An apostle (not through the agency of man)

He is amazed that the Galatians are deserting the true gospel for a different gospel (a distortion)

He is a teacher

He is a compassionate disciplinarian

He does not strive to please men

He is a bond-servant of Christ

The gospel that he preaches is not according to man - He received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ

He used to persecute the church - tried to destroy it

Was extremely zealous for his ancestral traditions - was advancing in Judaism beyond many others

He was called by God from his mother’s womb and was set apart by His grace to reveal His Son

God called him to preach among the Gentiles

After his conversion, he did not immediately consult with other people, not even the apostles - for 3 yrs.

He first met and stayed with Peter for 15 days

He traveled a lot

People heard about his conversions before meeting him, and glorified God for it

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This website is in memory of Richard Snyder.

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