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Three Wise Guys and a Star a.k.a. Roadtrip

January 5, 2025 - Rev. Dr. Jan Remer-Osborn

Three Wise Guys and a Star a.k.a. Roadtrip

It was at night around 9 pm. Displayed before me was a spectacular planet and star show. The entire southern sky was lit up. I could not believe it. I saw groupings of stars I had never seen. A flash from the Men in Black movie came to me. Could this three star formation be Orion’s belt? As Dave and I searched star charts, we discovered that what I saw was indeed Orion’s, belt along with the rest of him.

This 3 star constellation I learned, shows up in the northern hemisphere during Epiphany and is also named, “The Three Kings.” Go figure. The heavens became my Bible (the constellation Orion is mentioned in Job and Amos in the Old Testament). The skies in Pennsylvania preached that this season of Epiphany is truly the season of manifestation, of revelation, with the stars of heaven headlining the story.

Our scripture told the story of three wise men from the East, likely Zorastrian priests from Persia. They traveled on camels observing the star, the light guiding them, looking to pay homage to the child. Do they represent what we should do, travel from our commercial outside world, and to honor Jesus by giving him what is most precious?

We too may be searching for Jesus, and struggling with the whole idea of Jesus right now. We sit in the pew, sing the songs, recite the prayers, but behind these actions there is doubt, confusion, and disbelief. It’s hard to acknowledge, so these feelings get swept away. It was when I got to seminary, that I found out that doubt, confusion, and disbelief was common among seminarians. We had the courage and safety to talk about it. Remember, even Thomas who saw Jesus in person, doubted.

Herod became aware of these Magi and invited them to see him, telling them to return and report where they found this new king. Then the wise men were alerted in a dream not to obey the Herod. What to do? Follow the local king’s wishes or listen to their inner voice, revealed in this dream? Their choice had great ramifications. If they inform the King, then the newborn in a manger would likely be in danger. Instead, they risked their own safety by their disobedience, their disloyalty. They were at a crossroads. They protected this baby in a lowly manger, rather than following the wishes of someone of their own social status, a ruler of men.

Their experience with Jesus must have been momentous and lifechanging for them to make this decision. An epiphany. Thanks be to God.

Just like Mary and Joseph, if they had not made the choice to follow God’s direction – how different our lives would be? We would not be in Zion’s Red Church today. No Jesus, no apostles, no believers, no Paul. The choice of these wise men changed the course of history.

I’m pretty certain that most of us have been at our own crossroads. Choosing one path over another. Some of these choices we probably regret. We blame our innocence, our youth, our selfishness, even our own stupidity. Looking back, we ask ourselves, “How could I have done that?!!! What was I thinking?

We make choices today, tomorrow - every day. We may think they are not momentous but down the road we might view them differently. If I had not gone on that date, if I had not chosen to drink so much, if I had gone to college, if I had had the courage to tell that person I love them, if I had gone to a different doctor or hospital. So many seemingly small decisions can have significant consequences – good or bad.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to choose what is good and holy, not just convenient and self-serving, Am I living the life of a disciple of Jesus? Am I living a life guided by my faith with choices in line with God’s will? If yes, you can likely recognize God’s participation in your life. You stumble upon the small miracles that happen daily. You find an inner strength that carries you above all difficulties.

Standing on the sidelines can lead to unwanted unfortunate results. If you choose to think about God on Sunday’s only, you may find a chasm between you and God when crises arise. When you are in love, do you call or text or see your beloved once a week, only? What would happen if you did? The relationship would grow cold. This is not what you want to happen with your relationship with God.

Take the path that follows the star to Jesus. Be fully loyal to God. You will be transformed. And if you stray, get back on the path. Prioritize your choices. Take action. Put Jesus first. You will never regret this choice! Jesus is waiting for you. Amen.

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